KOMET – Release & Live Video

Hello everyone,It's been a while since we've posted here. That's not because we haven't had enough to do, but rather because we've had too much. 😀 Besides Anna's solo releases (be sure to check out ANAÏSA!!) and Tobi's engagement with Helene Fischer, we still managed to record and publish a few videos. […]
CROWDFUNDING: Unterstützt unser Debütalbum ‚#Hashtag‘

After 4 years, the time has come: We are working flat out on our first album. The selection of songs has already been made, the album title has been chosen and thought through 70 times, and we are already working on the production in our own small studio. But so that it doesn't remain a home studio project, we would like to finish the album in a professional […]
Radiointerviews zum Single-Release „About You“

Im Januar 2018 haben wir unsere erste eigene Single „About You“ veröffentlicht. Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, dass sie sowohl auf Radio Essen und Radio Bochum in den Ruhrcharts, sowie vom Hochschulradio Düsseldorf gespielt wurde. Natürlich wurden wir auch interviewt und haben über unsere Musik und unsere Pläne gesprochen. Damit ihr nichts verpasst, haben wir […]
RELEASE: Single „About You“

In January 2018, a long-awaited dream came true: we released our first own song. "About You" is about an unfulfilled and unbalanced relationship. Many people certainly know the feeling of always giving and getting nothing in return, the feeling of being exploited. It is precisely this state and the desire to break out of this relationship, [...]