Something like this has never happened before. A woman with a mental disability presents a music show and interviews the musicians. But let's start from the beginning...
MG KITCHEN TV – that's André, his wife Luisa and Dave. Together they have been enriching YouTube with their show "Rocken, Kochen, Abwaschen!" for the 8th year (!). Musicians from different genres and from all over the world are invited to their (incredibly stylish) kitchen in Mönchengladbach. The musicians present their own music, then they cook and are interviewed.
André has conducted all the interviews in recent years, but for a few years now he has had a special wish. André works with people with disabilities and is now the inclusion manager for Lebenshilfe Kreis Viersen eV. Together with his team, he is passionate about breaking down barriers that unfortunately still exist between people with and without disabilities. André interprets the term “accessibility” somewhat differently than most people assume, because it is primarily about the barriers in the mind.
With the latest broadcast of MGKITCHENTV he has taken a big step in terms of “breaking down barriers”. Or have you ever seen a show hosted by a person with a disability?
André doesn't like it when people say "people with disabilities/handicaps" and we can understand that completely. This term separates us from each other, apart from the fact that we are all particularly good at something and particularly bad at something. We decided to use the term anyway so that it is understandable for everyone.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to André, Luisa and Dave for the invitation into the kitchen and the unique experience.
We will never forget meeting Steffi. <3 Feel free to watch the show with us. We will play two of our own songs, one of which is a previously unreleased song, and will then be interviewed by the enchanting Steffi. Feel free to leave MGKITCHENTV and Steffi a comment on YouTube. Have fun!