coronavirus musiker survival plan

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Survival plan for self-employed musicians

These days, the coronavirus is giving musicians no peace. Whether we want to or not, we inevitably have to deal with it, as all income is currently falling away, especially in the event industry. (more info) We already have a lot of colleagues who are unemployed until further notice. We have also had to accept a number of rejections.

Da wir aber beide der Überzeugung sind, dass Melancholie und schlechte Gedanken einen selbst NIEMALS weiterbringen, hat Anna in den letzten Tagen einen ‚Survival Plan für Musiker‘ in Zeiten von COVID-19 erstellt. Darin sind viele Ideen und Tipps enthalten, was man in dieser Zeit machen kann, um den Cashflow wiederherzustellen. Zum einen sind das Themen, die sich sehr direkt monetarisieren lassen, wie zum Beispiel Live-Streams oder verstärktes Online-Shop-Marketing. Zum anderen geht es darum, wie wir die Zeit des Müßiggangs richtig nutzen können um stärker aus der Krise hervorzugehen.

Above all, we are very happy about a lively exchange among those affected. It is not just us musicians who are currently in trouble, the entire event and tourism industry is suffering from the spread of the coronavirus. This is precisely why it is important to stick together, to exchange ideas on how to overcome the crisis and to support each other wherever possible. My personal hope is that maybe even a little bit of this spirit will stick and continue to accompany us in the future. You can find a really nice text about this by Gurpreet Gill (I didn't know him before either... :D) on their Facebook page.

If you are a freelance musician and are currently feeling depressed, please get in touch by email to Anna or via the contact form to get the 5-page PDF with the survival plan. We look forward to hearing from you!

Photo credit: Farina Deutschmann

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