neuton. at MGKITCHENTV

Sowas hat es vorher nicht gegeben. Eine Frau mit einer geistigen Behinderung moderiert eine Musiksendung und interviewt die Musiker. Aber fangen wir von vorne an… MG KITCHEN TV – das sind André, seine Frau Luisa und Dave. Zusammen bereichern sie Youtube mittlerweile im 8. Jahr (!) mit ihrer Sendung „Rocken, Kochen, Abwaschen!“. Musiker verschiedener Genres […]
CROWDFUNDING: Unterstützt unser Debütalbum ‚#Hashtag‘

After 4 years, the time has come: We are working flat out on our first album. The selection of songs has already been made, the album title has been chosen and thought through 70 times, and we are already working on the production in our own small studio. But so that it doesn't remain a home studio project, we would like to finish the album in a professional […]
„Despacito“ für den kleinen Felix

There are moments when you know exactly why you chose this profession. One of these moments was when we were allowed to play in the hospital for little Felix from Düsseldorf. The little boy is a hemophiliac and has had to undergo operations many times. When he is in the hospital again and is not feeling well, […]