RELEASE: Sirens [Acoustic Version]

Introduction A new release on our Spotify / iTunes / GooglePlay / Amazon profiles is long overdue, and there was one song on our album that we felt didn't get enough attention when the album was originally released: SIRENS. The song was always a huge hit at our concerts (whether online or offline), is […]
Da ist es! Unser Debütalbum ‚#Hashtag‘

Nachdem insgesamt rund 13.000€ in der Crowdfunding-Kampagne zusammen gekommen sind, haben wir unser Versprechen wahrgemacht und unser Album herausgebracht. Am 21. Juni hat „#Hashtag“ das Licht der Welt erblickt und wir könnten nicht stolzer darauf sein! Das Album umfasst 9 Eigenkompositionen und 3 Cover. Wer unseren unverwechselbaren mehrstimmigen Gesang und die Gitarrensounds feiert, wird nicht […]
neuton. at MGKITCHENTV

Sowas hat es vorher nicht gegeben. Eine Frau mit einer geistigen Behinderung moderiert eine Musiksendung und interviewt die Musiker. Aber fangen wir von vorne an… MG KITCHEN TV – das sind André, seine Frau Luisa und Dave. Zusammen bereichern sie Youtube mittlerweile im 8. Jahr (!) mit ihrer Sendung „Rocken, Kochen, Abwaschen!“. Musiker verschiedener Genres […]
RELEASE: Last Christmas on Spotify, iTunes and Co!

We dared to cover perhaps the most hated Christmas song - but completely differently than you might think. See for yourself! Stream the song on Spotify, buy it on iTunes and Co. Share it on your social networks and leave us some feedback.
CROWDFUNDING: Unterstützt unser Debütalbum ‚#Hashtag‘

After 4 years, the time has come: We are working flat out on our first album. The selection of songs has already been made, the album title has been chosen and thought through 70 times, and we are already working on the production in our own small studio. But so that it doesn't remain a home studio project, we would like to finish the album in a professional […]
YOUTUBE: Subscribe to our channel!

We are often asked where you can see and hear more from us. The answer is simple: we have a YouTube channel! You will find various music videos there - from wedding videos to travel videos with our music, as well as videos of our self-written songs. Feel free to stop by and subscribe to our channel: If you want to see more [...]
Interview with RHEINEXKLUSIV

We are very happy to be able to share another interview with you. Not long ago we were visited by Susanne Rothe from the lifestyle magazine RHEINEXKLUSIV. Together we talked about how we found each other, how we think about music and about our plan, which will hopefully soon become a reality: our own album. Read […]
Radiointerviews zum Single-Release „About You“

Im Januar 2018 haben wir unsere erste eigene Single „About You“ veröffentlicht. Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, dass sie sowohl auf Radio Essen und Radio Bochum in den Ruhrcharts, sowie vom Hochschulradio Düsseldorf gespielt wurde. Natürlich wurden wir auch interviewt und haben über unsere Musik und unsere Pläne gesprochen. Damit ihr nichts verpasst, haben wir […]
RELEASE: Single „About You“

In January 2018, a long-awaited dream came true: we released our first own song. "About You" is about an unfulfilled and unbalanced relationship. Many people certainly know the feeling of always giving and getting nothing in return, the feeling of being exploited. It is precisely this state and the desire to break out of this relationship, [...]