I Won't Give Up
Jason Mraz ist ein Künstler, der schon immer irgendwie zu uns Beiden gesprochen hat. Es gibt kaum einen Auftritt von uns ohne seinen Song ‚I’m Yours‘, aber auch ‚Lucky‘ oder ‚Love Someone‘ haben wir immer gerne gespielt. (Letzteren haben wir übrigens mal für eine Roadtrip Video aufgenommen) Aber ein Song hat einen ganz besonderen Platz […]
KOMET – Release & Live Video
Hello everyone,It's been a while since we've posted here. That's not because we haven't had enough to do, but rather because we've had too much. 😀 Besides Anna's solo releases (be sure to check out ANAÏSA!!) and Tobi's engagement with Helene Fischer, we still managed to record and publish a few videos. […]
Xmas Shopping 2021
It's that time again. Our Christmas playlist has been playing at home for a week now (which you can find HERE, by the way) and when you walk through the city you can see steaming mugs of mulled wine every now and then. At the same time, you're racing around thinking about what original things you can come up with this year to surprise your loved ones [...]
Da ist es! Unser Debütalbum ‚#Hashtag‘
Nachdem insgesamt rund 13.000€ in der Crowdfunding-Kampagne zusammen gekommen sind, haben wir unser Versprechen wahrgemacht und unser Album herausgebracht. Am 21. Juni hat „#Hashtag“ das Licht der Welt erblickt und wir könnten nicht stolzer darauf sein! Das Album umfasst 9 Eigenkompositionen und 3 Cover. Wer unseren unverwechselbaren mehrstimmigen Gesang und die Gitarrensounds feiert, wird nicht […]
neuton. at MGKITCHENTV
Sowas hat es vorher nicht gegeben. Eine Frau mit einer geistigen Behinderung moderiert eine Musiksendung und interviewt die Musiker. Aber fangen wir von vorne an… MG KITCHEN TV – das sind André, seine Frau Luisa und Dave. Zusammen bereichern sie Youtube mittlerweile im 8. Jahr (!) mit ihrer Sendung „Rocken, Kochen, Abwaschen!“. Musiker verschiedener Genres […]
WEDDING: Spotify playlist
One of the most frequently asked questions from our wedding couples is what music we should play at their wedding. There is no general answer to this question, as every couple and every wedding party is different. In addition, there are of course different times and circumstances on the wedding day itself. To make it easier for you, we have put together different playlists on Spotify. Please note that […]
Interview with RHEINEXKLUSIV
We are very happy to be able to share another interview with you. Not long ago we were visited by Susanne Rothe from the lifestyle magazine RHEINEXKLUSIV. Together we talked about how we found each other, how we think about music and about our plan, which will hopefully soon become a reality: our own album. Read […]
„Despacito“ für den kleinen Felix
There are moments when you know exactly why you chose this profession. One of these moments was when we were allowed to play in the hospital for little Felix from Düsseldorf. The little boy is a hemophiliac and has had to undergo operations many times. When he is in the hospital again and is not feeling well, […]
RELEASE: Single „About You“
In January 2018, a long-awaited dream came true: we released our first own song. "About You" is about an unfulfilled and unbalanced relationship. Many people certainly know the feeling of always giving and getting nothing in return, the feeling of being exploited. It is precisely this state and the desire to break out of this relationship, [...]